Our Principal

Phone: (904) 346-5640


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Parker - Principal

Greetings Parents, Scholars, and Community, 

Welcome to Spring Park International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Elementary School. We are well prepared and excited about this 2023-2024 school year. We are ready to lead our scholars to greatness by way of engaging in inquiry-based learning and encouraging collaborative problem solving through global thinking. Our 2023-2024 School Theme is “Cultivating a Better World, One Student at a Time. This theme encompasses the everyday educational experiences, academic tilling, and nurturing that will be provided to your scholar by our dynamic instructional staff (Master Gardeners).

Our assignment is to ensure your scholar significantly flourishes academically, socially, physically, and as a global citizen. The way we can ensure this type of growth is by your acceptance and understanding of the following assignment:   

1. We are a Team. We must work together with the same goals for your scholar. Make sure to schedule quarterly meetings with your scholar’s teacher to stay informed of academic and class expectations.

2. Your scholar’s safety is our priority. Support and review the school and classroom rules and expectations with your scholar.  

3. Effective communication will make our partnership stronger. Please communicate all classroom matters with your scholar’s teacher First (1st) and then seek the support and guidance of the Administration.  

4. We need you! We are stronger together! Parents feel free to volunteer as much as possible at Spring Park, whether you aid at school or support your scholar’s teacher by preparing materials needed for the educational experience.  

Our scholars will be challenged and stretched this year to enable them to reach beyond their academic potential. Parents and community, we ask that you allow your scholar to communicate their academic data and goals with you regularly. Always ask them how you can help them achieve their goals and provide incentives for the small milestones they will accomplish along the way. Please feel free to join our P.T.A., S.A.C., volunteer, and/or mentor our scholars. We want every stakeholder to enjoy this school year by working alongside us in the magnificent garden of greatness.   

Go Gators! 

Davina S. Parker
