


    Welcome to Greenfield Elementary School, home of the Dolphins.  I am thrilled to be embarking on my third year as principal of Greenfield. We have so much to look forward to this school year.  Our theme this school year is AIM for the Stars- with a positive Attitude, Integrity, and Motivation you can achieve your goals!  This theme is all about setting ambitious goals and working hard to achieve them.  

    We will continue to strive for the full engagement of our families and community.  Through organizations like PTA and the School Advisory Council, we will  offer many opportunities for you to be an active part of our school community.  We need your help to make our school the best it can be.  Please consider joining one of these organizations.  

    Should you have any concerns, suggestions, or need help, feel free to reach out to me at any time.  I am always open to feedback!  


    Cindy Gentry

