• Comfort Crew

    The Comfort Crew for Military Kids is a program that is designed to help military children and families transition to a new location as well as equip them with resources and strategies to help them cope with the unique challenges. The program comes with toolkits to help students adjust to changes and make new friends. It also offers a wealth of support inside and outside of the classroom to help them feel welcomed and comforted.

    At Venetia, we have trained students and adult advisors who make up the Comfort Crew. The Comfort Crew members meet with new students as well as military students whose family is being deployed to offer them support and guidance. They give special school tours, hand out and review toolkit boxes that hold valuable resources inside, and have small group meetings to share strategies to help cope and deal with challenges such as deployments, divorce, and grief.

    To schedule a Comfort Crew school tour, please contact the school. The front office staff will make arrangements for one of our Comfort Crew members to meet you upon your arrival at the school.

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  • Military Family Life Counselors

    Calling all military families to join the MFLC program!!!

    Active Duty

    National Guard


    What it is: Venetia Elementary School has a full-time Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) whose sole purpose is to support military children and their families. Programs and services made available by the MFLC include:

    o Lunch Bunches – these are peer groups for military students to connect with each other and share experiences.

    o Short-term solution-focused counseling in one-on-one or small group settings (as needed or requested) to address a variety of issues including:

    * School adjustment

    * Deployment and separation

    * Reunion adjustment

    * Sibling and parent-child communication

    * Family separation and divorce

    * Behavioral concerns

    * Stress, anxiety, and worries

    * Grief and loss

    o In-class support and presentations to teach students skills for addressing a variety of socio-emotional stressors.

    Where and when it takes place: All MFLC services and programs take place at the school. MFLC services are designed to occur during times that do not interfere with core academic classes or resources such as art, music, and PE.

    How to sign up: If you would like for your child to participate in the Military and Family Life Counseling program, please call 904-576-9346 to speak with Venetia’s Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) and have a consent form sent home with your child, or visit the school to meet the MFLC and sign the consent.

    Other important information: The Military and Family Life Counseling program is available at no cost to military families. Services are confidential with the exception of child abuse/neglect, domestic violence and other duty-to-warn situations. A child must be signed up for the program in order to participate in small group and one-on-one activities.





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