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    Front of the ACHS building



     Stingray Faculty OGs

    These are the faces of the remaining OGs of Atlantic Coast. ACHS was opened in 2010. These teachers have experienced small student populations, large student populations, hurricane evacuations, pandemics, hybrid scheduling and ever-evolving programs designed to promote students academically and socially. ACHS was built as the technology school of the future, and these teachers proved that even long-time teachers can always learn more about technology which can improve classroom engagement. 
    We thank these AC pioneers for the efforts and passion they continue to demonstrate at Atlantic Coast High School.  

    Original members of the AC Faculty
     Coach Mukasa, Coach Ross, Coach Elliott, Coach Keane, Mr. Dew, Mrs. Silvestris, Mrs. Curran, Mr. Bopp, Dr. Son, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Braswell,
    Coach Davis, Mrs. Mcmullen, Mrs. Felix, Mrs. Ayau, Mr. Frencl, Ms. Thomas, Coach Blount, Mr. McCrary, and Mr. Palmer