• In an effort to maintain a safe and secure school community, we ask that you adhere to the following procedures regarding our morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.


    ALL visitors MUST sign in at the front office and obtain a visitor's badge upon arrival beginning at 7:50 AM.  The first bell rings at 8:10 AM with the school day beginning at 8:15 AM.


    Any changes to your child's transportation MUST be submitted in writing to your child's classroom teacher.  Changes to your child's transportation will NOT be accepted over the phone, email, or text messaging.  


    All parent/guardian pick-ups in the car rider line or park and pick-up line must have a Merrill Road Elementary School approved car/hang tag.  Please see Car Rider Procedures for further information regarding this procedure


    All students must designate their method for afternoon dismissal which is at 2:45 PM.


    Please remember, if you choose to park and walk onto campus for arrival or dismissal, please utilize the identified crosswalks at Merrill Road and Hartsfield that are staffed daily by crossing guards.