• Arrival Procedures
    Drop off students in the morning after 8:00 am.
    Breakfast begins at 8:00 am and ends at 8:25 am.
    Instruction begins promptly at 8:24 am.

    Only students enrolled in Extended Day or patrols
    may be on campus before 8:00am.
    Teachers and staff are not on duty prior to 8:00am

    to supervise students. 

    Dismissal Procedures

    Official school dismissal is at 3:00pm.

    As a courtesy we begin dismissing car/daycare riders at 2:50pm (1:35pm on early dismissal days).
    Drivers may not leave their car and enter the building to pick up their student(s).

    Walkers begin dismissing at 3:00pm (1:45pm on early dismissal days).

    Student should have one consistent mode of transportation home. In case of an extreme emergency please don’t forget to write a note to the teacher in the morning for changes. Otherwise your child/children will be dismissed as usual. 

    Early dismissal checkout for emergencies or doctor appointments ends at 2:15pm.  No students will be dismissed from class after this time until the normal dismissal time for car riders, vans, and walkers.  Thank you for your cooperation.