• Arrival Procedures
    The campus opens to students at 8:00 am. Before this time there is no arranged supervision, so please do not drop your child off before 8:00 unless he/she is in extended day.

    ALL STUDENTS (Except for Extended day, Pre-K, Kindergarten) are to enter the campus through the bus loop on Kingsbury. This includes car riders, bus students and walkers. Students who are dropped on in the front will be required to walk around. Students who arrive at 8:25 or after will be required to sign-in at the main office. Parents can not just drop off the student and leave. 

    The Florida Senate Bill 7026 or the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act was passed last year requiring advanced school safety. Your support and compliance is needed to keep all our students safe.


    Upon arrival, students in grades 1-2 report to the dining room to sit with their grade-level classmates and have breakfast until their teacher picks up the class at 8:25. 3rd and 4th graders report to their classrooms for breakfast in the class.  5th graders who want breakfast can report to the dining room, all others report directly to class. Students arriving after 8:25 are considered tardy and will need to enter the campus through the main office. The campus will be locked at 8:30 with the front office being the main access point.Tardy students will not have an opportunity to eat breakfast.