

    Extended Day Program

    Telephone:  (904) 247-5954

    Extended Day Program Directors:  Ms. Marylou Darcy and Mr. Dave DeWaele
    “We are committed to the development and management of safe, affordable, structured, and well-supervised care before and after school for students of working parents.”

    What We Do:  

    The Neptune Beach Elementary Extended Day Enrichment Program (EDP) provides working parents a safe and convenient school location to leave their children before and after school. Our program is totally self-supported and paid for by working parents.

    Our Extended Day program provides academic enhancement and physical activities.

    Days of Operation: 

    Based on Duval County Public Schools’ District Calendar for students attending school brick and mortar (face-to-face).

    Morning Before School Care Hours:  7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

    Afternoon After School Care Hours:  School-Day Dismissal until 6:00 PM 

    Contact Information:  

    Ms. Darcy - grahamm@duvalschools.org  or  Mr. DeWaele - dewaeler@duvalschools.org

    Extended Day Payment Schedule 2023-2024


    Apply for Extended Day



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