• Did you know that getting involved in your child’s education can help them be a more productive student? Children who parents take interest in their education tend to have a better understanding of what they are learning in school and this leads to better grades throughout the school year. There are several different ways you can get involved in your child’s education. One by helping them with homework. When helping your child with his or her homework you can see if they are understanding the material that was taught and give them the help and extra practice if needed. Another way of getting involved is by making sure that your child stay on top of their work. You can do this by checking planners and keeping in contact with your child’s teachers to see if they are on course to being a successful student. You can also volunteer or join the P.T.A and/or SAC at your child’s school so that you can always know what is happening at their school and what important events are coming up. By following these steps you can help us and your child have a more productive and successful school year.

    -Destiny Stewart


    A few links to help you get started :)


    Parent Resources (Ways to stay connected -- communication tools -- are found on this page!)