• Principal Tim Feagins

    Principal Feagins  

    Dear Generals Family,


    I am so excited to start another school with you as the PROUD principal of Riverside High School. The 2023-2024 school year is going to be a journey full of endless possibilities. Remember, your high school experience is what you make of it. You are in the driver’s seat, and you will decide the outcome.


    My challenge for you this school year is to know exactly where you stand as a student. To do so, I ask that you constantly reflect on the following questions:

    • Which of the required twenty-four credits do I still need to graduate on time?
    • Am I attending school regularly and missing fewer than 5 days of school for the year?
    • How effective are my routines outside of school to get all my coursework completed?
    • Do I have the test scores to graduate? If not, what am I doing to prepare for the exams?
    • Have I taken advantage of all ACT/SAT opportunities to earn graduation or college ready scores?
    • Who have I chosen at home and school to talk to if I need help?
    • What is my Grade Point Average (GPA)? Is it above a 2.0 needed for graduation?
    • Do I need to recover any courses that I failed? If so, have I signed up to take them virtually?
    • What colleges/universities/workforce programs am I interested in pursuing? Have I applied?
    • What scholarships have I applied for to help pay for my college tuition?


    All faculty and staff at Riverside High School are excited to walk with you along your journey through high school. However, you are the captain of your ship! You should expect nothing but excellence from yourself and the work you put forth throughout your years at Riverside High School. You will control your success through the choices you make. It is true that the people you allow to enter your circle will decide your future. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with individuals who will help you be the best version of yourself and encourage you to strive for excellence.


    To all our proud parents and caregivers, I invite you to model and partner with us throughout the school year as we instill excellence into our students. Research shows that students will have the greatest possibility for success if support structures are in place at home. Together, we can make this the best year ever!


    In partnership,



    Timothy M. Feagins,
