Save the date and find out everything about our С³óߣ in General Management!
The С³óߣ program is designed for achievement-oriented individuals who have completed a university degree and have at least two years of professional experience. Our С³óߣ candidates are looking to acquire Management-Know-how that is based on academic principles and is practice-oriented for the international business environment.
Tuesday, 17th June 2025; 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
- Information about Nuremberg Tech and the OHM Professional School (OPS)
- Introduction of the Academic Head and our instructors
- The design and sequence as well as the content of the curriculum
- Questions and answers
To take part please send your contact details (name and e-mail address) to the Program Manager Kerstin Lorentz-Sabisch via email. We will contact you with additional information.
We look forward to welcoming you to our С³óߣ Info-session.