• Back to School. Options, Answers and Expectations for School in the Pandemic.

Middle School Enrollment Options

    • Beginning with Hybrid before Sept. 14 
    • Bridging to Five-Days-a-Week After Sept. 14
    • Now Adding Duval HomeRoom for Two At-Home Options 


    From Aug. 20 to Sept. 14 middle school students will begin with three options. One option includes learning at school on a hybrid schedule. Hybrid means children are at school some days of the week and learning through distance learning on the other days. Following Sept. 14, students who choose the in-school, hybrid option are expected to transition to in-school learning five days a week. 


    Options Before Labor Day

    Middle school options describe in body text below.

     Note: Students of all grade levels who elect DVIA for 2020-2021 can retain their seat in their Choice (magnet or special transfer) school for the
    2021-22 year. We are updating the graphic to reflect that. We apologize for any confusion.


    Option One: In-School (Begin on hybrid schedule on Aug. 20 and phase to 5-day-a week on Sept. 14)

    To maximize the opportunity for social distancing and minimize the spread of COVID-19, students in sixth to eighth grades will attend their regular school on some days during the week and the remainder of their instruction will occur online through Duval HomeRoom from Aug. 20 to Sept. 14.  Students will have their same teachers and follow the same school schedule on days they are learning from home. This is the default option. If this is the choice for your child, no further registration is required. 

    Which days will you attend your school? 

    That depends on the student's grade level. 

    graphic showing days middle school students in class continue to text below

    Sixth grade:
    At school:              Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
    Duval HomeRoom: Wednesday 

    Seventh grade:
    At school:              Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
    Duval HomeRoom: Tuesday and Friday

    Eighth grade:
    At school:             Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

    Duval HomeRoom: Monday and Thursday


    Middle school students choosing option one will transition to being in school five-days-a-week on Sept. 14, the day after Labor Day. 


    Option Two: Learn from home in Duval HomeRoom

    This is the same distance learning option that all students used when COVID-19 forced remote, home-based learning in March. Students remain enrolled in their school and have teachers who are on staff at their school. This year, Duval HomeRoom students will participate in live lessons following their school's normal daily class schedule. Students will need to log into class online during their normal class time. 

    Late registration for Duval HomeRoom will end August 26. Placement for late applicants is based on seat availability. The registration form is available in FOCUS. To register, you will need a parent FOCUS account linked to your children. If you do not have a parent account, you can establish your account and link your children by clicking here. Students choosing this option can also choose to return to their regular school at the end of each grading period or earlier under extenuating circumstances.

    Did you already enroll in Duval Virtual and you want to switch to Duval HomeRoom? Please contact your school to ensure there is an available seat in Duval HomeRoom. If a seat is available, contact Duval Virtual to cancel your assignment. Then, re-enroll in your previous school. 


    Option Three: Learn from home in the Duval Virtual Instruction Academy

    The application window to enroll in Duval Virtual Instruction Academy has closed.