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MerryApps Scholarship Site

MerryApps allows you to apply for up to 13 scholarships with one application (and each application only has one essay!). There are currently 6 different MerryApps:


· No Essay MerryApp (4 scholarships)

· Career Goals (13 scholarships)

· Overcoming a Challenge (8 scholarships)

· Community Service (9 scholarships)

· Social Media (12 scholarships)

· Safe Driving (5 scholarships)


You can do just one of them or all six! And it's fine to reuse any essays you've already done on these topics, so think about what you've written so far this year. The first deadline is only a few days away, so there's not much time! You can get started by creating an account at . It takes 30 seconds and then you can go straight to the MerryApps!


If you would like to join a live webinar showing you how MerryApps work, .