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Important Reminders

* In order to volunteer, eat lunch, and/or chaperone a field trip, volunteers must fill out an online volunteer application and receive clearance. To check your status or for assistance, please contact the front office.

* If you have recently moved or changed your phone number, please remember to update your records with the main office staff. It’s imperative that we are able to reach you or a family member in the event of an emergency.

* All changes to dismissal must be made in writing. We cannot accept changes to transportation over the phone. 

* Please remember that any changes in dismissal must be done in writing.  Also, students cannot be checked out after 2:15 P.M. Thank you for your help in ensuring your student is in school for the entire school day!

* Supervision of students begins at 8:00 A.M. If you need supervision before this time, please contact the Extended Day program.

* Our cafeteria serves free breakfast for any student. Breakfast will be served daily in the cafeteria beginning at 8:00 am and ending at 8:25. 

* Early Check Outs
Please remember that per district policy, students cannot be checked out after 2:15 P.M. On Early release days, students cannot be checked out after 12:30 P.M. Thank you for your help in ensuring your student is in school for the entire school day!