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2023-2024 Parent and Student Welcome Letter

Sallye B. Mathis

August 1, 2023


Greetings Parents/Guardians,


It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to welcome all, new as well as, returning students to Sallye B. Mathis Elementary for the 2023-2024 school year. This past school year was an unprecedented year of innovation, hard work, compassion, and dedication. We had many challenging new ways of work including new state assessments (FAST), new curriculum, and new benchmarks all while staying focused on improving student achievement.  Despite the many challenges we faced, I am thrilled to share that state assessments showed that our students made significant gains throughout the year.  None of this could’ve been possible without your support. Thank you for trusting your students’ education with us.

Last year we were are on a “Safari to Excellence: Wild about learning” and this year we are “Putting the Pieces Back Together.”   While we have a new theme, our mission/vision remains the same, “Creating a safe environment that promotes problem solving, critical thinking, character development and academic excellence for every student, every class, every day.”

I am also excited to share we will be utilizing two new online platforms to better communicate with our families. To improve our communication systems and student safety, we will use Bloomz in lieu of Class Dojo and we are adding usage of PikMyKid as a system for smoother dismissal procedures.  Both Bloomz and PikMyKid, are programs that will be used districtwide to better support our families and student.  Parents will be required to set up Parent Focus accounts to gain access to the new programs Additional details will be forthcoming.


Student orientation is scheduled for Friday, August 11th, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. During this time, parents and students will be allowed on campus to visit classes and meet teachers. During your visit, please share with your student’s teacher how your student will get home from school the few days of school. School uniforms with the embroidered logo will also be available for purchase during orientation.


Please mark your calendars or phones for the following dates:

  • Friday, August 11th- Orientation 1:00pm-3:00pm
  • Monday, August 14th- First Day of School
  • Friday, August 18th- Behavior Expectations Assembly
  • Wednesday, August 30th - Early Dismissal
  • September 4th - No School/Labor Day

I am looking forward to Sallye B. Mathis Elementary “Putting the Pieces Back Together” during the 2023-2024 school year.  Continue to enjoy the remainder of your summer and I will see you soon.




Mrs. Jaime Lampkin