Cadet Spotlight

  • Cadet Spotlight

    1.	Cadet Krishon Allen and Mrs. McNally proudly displaying their Principal’s Leadership Award coins

    Cadet Allen and Mrs. McNally proudly displaying their Principal’s Leadership Award coins.


    2.	Ms. Tuschhoff presenting the first ever Principal’s Leadership Award coins to Cadet Allen and Cadet Garraway.  Cadet Allen

    Ms. Tuschhoff presenting the first ever Principal’s Leadership Award coins to Cadet Allen and
    Cadet Garraway.  Cadet Allen set out to run a mile as part of our monthly cadet physical
    fitness test.  Cadet Allen cannot see.  But that did not stop him.  That is when his friend,
    Cadet Garraway stepped in after running his own mile, he guided Cadet Allen so he could
    run it too.

     3.	Cadet Jayden Young winning a pair of Beats from Chartwells, our food service company.

    Cadet Young winning a pair of Beats from Chartwells, our food service company.