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September 20, 2023

September 20, 2023, Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Meeting


Committee Members Present: 

Committee members present: Allison Busuttil, Lawrence Dennis, Dawn Emerick, Ashley Folladori, Donald Green, Kay Hawkins, Amy Henderson, Erdine Johnson, Hank Rogers, Joshua Trent, Sarah Troup, Anita Vining, Chris Wood.


Call Meeting to Order

Chair Rogers called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.

Recognition and welcome were given to the committee.

Chair Rogers announced there is a Quorum and completed a roll call for the meeting.


Approval of the September 20, 2023, Agenda

Chair Rogers made the following recommendation to the committee:  


That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Approve the Meeting Agenda.

Vote Results:

Motion: Allison Busuttil

Second: Joshua Trent





Approval of Minutes: May 17, 2023

Chair Rogers made recommendation to the committee:  


That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee accept and approve the May 17, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes.

Vote Results:

Motion: Joshua Trent

Second: Allison Busuttil



Public Comment

The following individuals spoke during public comment:

Marion Tischler - gave public comment regarding Charter School reporting, allocation of funding and reporting by charter schools and the public facing charter school dashboard on the district website.

Susan Aertker gave public comment regarding the public facing charter school dashboard on the district website and concerns with transparency to the public regarding taxpayer dollars for the half-penny sales tax.


Items to be Discussed

Election of Officers

Chair Rogers introduced Executive Director of Policy and Compliance, Brian McDuffie, to conduct Officer Elections for Chairman and Vice Chair.

Mr. McDuffie addressed the committee and opened the floor to the committee for Chairman elections.

Motion: Nominate the new Chairman of the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee.

Vote Results: Donald Green nominated himself for Chairman.

Motion: Donald Green

Second: Unanimous



Brian McDuffie announced election of Donald Green as the new Committee Chairman and re-opened the floor to the committee for Vice Chair elections.

Motion: Nominate the new Vice Chair of the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee.

Vote Results: Hank Rogers nominated Lawence Dennis for Vice Chair.

Motion: Hank Rogers

Second: Unanimous



Brian McDuffie announced the election of Lawrence Dennis as the new Committee Vice Chair and announced the conclusion of officer elections.

Dr. Donald Green, Chairman, addressed the committee to introduce himself and conducted the remainder of the meeting.


Sales-Surtax Committee Business Overview

Director of Strategic Planning, Ashley Barr, gave a brief overview of the procedures for new committee members district sponsored accounts.


Operations Update

Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Erika Harding, and Executive Director, Byron Page, gave a PowerPoint presentation.

Discussion included: Project history, Quarterly Reporting Overview, District Dashboard overview, funding metrics, market climate, project updates: projects started, upcoming projects and opportunities.

Hank Rogers – regarding Rutledge Pearson – will budgeting level out now – Erika Harding – responded they will experience a leveling out towards the end of the projected finish.

Lawrence Dennis – Athletics maintenance and access for Ribault HS – current time Ribault HS is playing home games at First Coast HS.


Finance Update

Chief Financial Officer, Michelle Begley gave a PowerPoint Presentation; Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Financial Services & Charter Schools Presentation.

Discussion included: Sales Surtax Funding overview, Charter School Qualifications, 2023 Legislative Highlights (HB 443, HB 1259, HB 1537), and an overview of the State Audit Report process.

The following committee members asked questions to Chief Financial Officer, Michelle Begley, and Director of Charter Schools, Eugene Hayes, regarding processes for funding allocations of sales-surtax money, effects of changes to state legislation and statutes on sales-surtax funding, identifying and tracking funds from HB 443, procedures regarding charter school closures, and capabilities regarding charter school audit details:

Edine Johnson, Ashley Folladori, Anita Vining, Joshua Trent, Allison Busuttil, Hank Rogers, and Chris Wood.


Approval of Minutes

Will take place at the next meeting on November 15, 2023


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on November 15, 2023, at 10:00a.m., at the Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership.



Chair Green made the following motion to the committee:


To adjourn the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Meeting.

Vote Results:

Motion: Hank Rogers

Second: Joshua Trent



The meeting was adjourned at 12:11 p.m.

Minutes were taken by Megan Mihalik, Coordinator, Strategic Planning.

These minutes were approved at the November 15, 2023, Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Meeting.


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