Our Licensed Athletic Trainer

Kaitlyn ATC
  • Head Athletic Trainer

    Kaitlyn Motyka LAT, ATC

    Kaitlyn Motyka has been at Mandarin High School since the 2017 school year. She loves working at Mandarin and working on keeping all of the athletes safe. She graduated from the University of North Florida in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training and is currently seeking my Masters of Degree in Kinesiology at Jacksonville University. She is currently a Project 17 Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer placed at Mandarin High School, and she plans to take on the full-time Head Athletic Trainer role here at Mandarin once I graduate.

    After seeing the magnitude of injuries at my high school in Alabama that did not have an Athletic Trainer, I began to see the need at a high school level. Every athlete deserves the best treatment and care possible when playing and I strive to accomplish that at Mandarin High School. I have always had a passion for helping people and have played sports my entire life, which led me to this career path. My favorite part of this job is seeing so many of the athletes I have come to know and treat, reach the next level in their athletic career.