• Attendance at School

     According to the Florida compulsory school attendance law, Florida Statute 232.01, regular school attendance is required between the ages of 6 years and 16 years of age.  It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to contact the school if their child will be absent and to state the reason for the absence.  Students returning to school from an absence are required to present a written explanatory excuse from their parent(s) or legal guardian stating the cause for the absence.  The following causes are acceptable excuses for being absent: (1) illness or injury of the student; (2) serious illness or death in the student’s family; (3) inclement weather; (4) official religious holiday; (5) a bus failure or schedule which causes the absence.

     A physician’s note is needed when (1) the student has been absent for 3 or more consecutive days, (2) has had surgery, (3) is returning to school after hospitalization, (4) has been under the doctor’s care for a significant illness, or (5) is returning to school after being excluded because of a communicable disease.

    A student with 5 unexcused absences within a calendar month or 10 unexcused absences within a 90-calendar day period shall be referred to the Attendance Intervention Team.  A referral will be made to the Truancy Officer if the attendance problem is not resolved.


     Mount Herman Student Absences Form

    School attendance is closely related to student learning and academic success.  One way for us to follow policy and procedure is to have the proper documentation for an absence.  If your child is absent, please download the "Mt. Herman Student Access Form", complete the form and return it to the school.  If you do not have access to a printer and are unable to print, copies of this form will also be available in the front office.  Thank you for your attention to this matter. 
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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.