С³óߣ Physical Education waiver for grades K-8

  •  In order for a waiver to be requested, the С³óߣ Physical Education Requirement Waiver Request form must be completed and turned into the district’s Health Education and Physical Education Office within 10 days of the course’s start date. Please note that, in addition to completing this form, parents and guardians requesting this waiver option must also submit a detailed written description of their student’s participation in physical education activities outside the school day which are equal to or in excess of the designated required physical education course for which they are requesting a waiver.  They must show specific evidence that their student’s activities are equal to or in excess of the designated required physical education course curriculum.   Descriptions of each physical education course can be found in the CPALMS website at .  

    State and local requirements allow middle school physical education waivers for the following: 

    1. Enrollment in remedial courses under curriculum suspension approved by the principal can be required for students in any grade 6-8 with a Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP);
    2. Enrollment in another course from among those courses offered as options by the school district subject to parent/guardian request and principal’s approval and the school district’s middle school director’s approval.
    3. Participation in physical education activities outside the school day which are equal to or in excess of the school district’s required physical education curriculum subject to parent/guardian’s request and principal’s approval and the school district’s physical education subject area specialist’s approval.
      1. Physical activities outside of the school day that meet the requirement are those that the parent indicates in writing are equivalent to 75 hours (250 minutes per week for a minimum of eighteen [18] weeks) during the designated semester. This option is intended as an opportunity for students to enroll in an elective course or accelerated course in place of the physical education course. It is NOT intended as an option for early dismissal. The expectation is that students are enrolled in classes for seven (7) periods per instructional day. A physical education waiver request form is required.

     Also, please note that there are no waivers available for medical reasons. С³óߣ HEPE physical education courses are designed to be adapted to meet students’ individual needs. Physical education teachers should be included in the IEP or 504 plan discussions to ensure that proper modifications are provided to the student. In the event of a temporary medical concern, the teacher will provide adaptations to accommodate the student’s abilities.